The 7 Best Baseball Turtles To Buy This Season

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OUR BEST Baseball Turtles at different price points

Batting Turtles, Portable Batting Cages, Batting Practice Cages, Portable Baseball Backstops, or Roll Away Batting Cages are just different terms for the same products. Go figure.

Whatever you call it and whichever model you can budget now, this season… get your best baseball turtles here!
Frankly, if you have gotten along without a baseball turtle or if what you have is potentially dangerous, don’t put off this purchase one more year just because your program cannot purchase the one model that you really, really want.

The bottom line is that all will do the job and all that we offer is guaranteed to give you many years of good service with just minimal care and of course, I cannot speak for anything I haven’t personally tested or know.
And like anything else, there’s junk to be had and you sure are not sending back a bad decision of this size, so get your questions answered first!

The Good Baseball Turtles

The Collapsible Home Plate Cage – Here’s a new, unique & creative design with the upside of an inexpensive price, good durability & the ability for it to store with only a 1 ft depth!
It collapses in an accordion-fashion so you can lean it against any wall or fence where it takes up less than 1 foot in depth… all in less than 2 minutes. See our demo video to see the process!
The potential tradeoff is that it does not utilize a wheel transport system and is carried into position needing 4 persons to do so.

The Basic Rolling Batting Cage – Here is the lowest cost you will find on a traditional shape basic baseball turtle in the style you may have grown up with. It’s a large footprint squared shape tubular steel batting turtle model with a fixed-position canopy. Still a real budget-saver though not recommended for higher wind areas where a real storm can affect it.

D1 Foldable Batting Cage – This is our basic rolling batting cage (shown above) but with the added benefit of being able to be lowered into a more compact, easily transportable position.
It’s a very practical traditional square-shaped baseball turtle that is well worth the investment and adds the additional feature of folding the arches to protect it from higher winds while making it more maneuverable if you have to transport it long distances and/or through any narrow gates or fence openings.

The Better Baseball Turtles

The Original Big Bubba Batting Cage – This may be the one name brand that you might have heard of likely because it may have been the first of its shape and has been around High School Baseball & College Baseball for a long time.
It is still a good purchase and does all the basics well enough. It also gives you the choice of a team color vinyl backdrop for no upcharge.
I can’t say we’ve ever had a complaint. It’s a good overall performer with a long track record. (if you want more features, look below for more choices including the “sister” Bubba Elite).

The Best Baseball Turtles

Big Bubba Elite Portable Batting Cage – The upgraded model of America’s best-selling Big Bubba portable batting turtle. It uses the same basic frame, net & vinyl skirt, then adds two coaches platforms, full ricochet padding and oversized wheels with ‘fenders” and an improved transport dolly for more efficient transport, especially over soft or uneven terrain.

The ProCage Portable Rolling Baseball Backstop – A brand new design… It’s the NEW, everything you could want with all the bells & whistles baseball turtle. The downside might be that it ships with a black vinyl skirt and thud pad with school colors as an upcharge. Other than that, it is awesome and should be near the top of your list!

Coming Soon
The Burbank Pro Batting Practice Cage

The Unbelievably Expensive

We don’t carry the one or two baseball turtle models that fall into this category and here is why. We have models that will last as long as anything on the market. They are larger and as easy to transport and store. Our best is as good as the heaviest users need with all the accessories and extras I have seen as of this writing.

If there is a lack of anything, it may be some perceived “coolness factor” or odd team color… and none of this will show up in the boxscore or your win total; perhaps you can use those extra thousands of budget-dollars elsewhere?

Big Bubba & Bubba Elite Batting Cage Parts

Parts are available for all our models but since the big Bubba batting cages have been around so long, we have a specific page where you can shop for all the OEM (original equipment manufacturers) parts that are available.
Parts are available for all our models but since the big Bubba batting cages have been around so long, we have a specific page where you can shop for all the OEM (original equipment manufacturers) parts that are available.

Our Batting Turtles – In Summary

Keep em safe, save some money, get your time back and quit chasing & replacing expensive balls!
You will increase the number of swings every one of your players can get this season; that is what’s at stake and what you cannot get back by playing fetch for one more season!
I know that there is a best choice for you in our collection and hope this has helped you see that!

— Coach JP

Remember, whether You Call Them Baseball Turtles, Batting Turtles, Portable Batting Cages, Batting Practice Cages or Roll Away Batting Cages… they are all the same products.